Monday, June 19, 2006

Week 3--Plato

List out as many things about Plato that you know. What does he suggest about finding the Truth, about oral persuasion, about writing, about the value of rhetoric? Also, as we agreed from Week-1, please point out the progress you're making on your final project in each blog post. Thanks.

Plato suggests that it is possible to find transcendent absolute truth through discourse. Plato argues that a rhetor can use rhetoric to convey truth to an ignorant audience by any means as long as the rhetor is virtuous and is seeking the audience's self-improvement. This can also be done in a more methodological format with a "give-and-take" between two individuals, the more knowledgable one correcting the inexperienced thinker by demonstrating the logic he uses to arrive at the truth. Plato is interested in finding the one characteristic which is shared by many examples which cannot be achieved through the senses but through the mind. The absolute/forms are real but cannot be seen.

I haven't made a final decision about my paper yet. I'm thinking about working on online course instruction and how the idea of either kairos or pathos can be applied to it.


At 9:28 AM, Blogger Rich said...

Good notes regarding Plato. I could see a paper on online course delivery, but also perhaps on gathering interest in technological literacy by your colleagues. An option, of course, but it seems to me that would be something to apply classical rhetoric too. Finding stasis.


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